Homily from the First Sunday of Lent.

“You might be sitting here like ‘I want that, I want that grace, I want that Holy Spirit.’ Well here’s the reality: if you’ve been baptized, you’ve already been given that grace. If you’ve professed faith, you’ve already been given that grace. Everyone here, you are post-serum Captain America’s! You’re not like, ‘Oh, I want that grace, give me that grace!’ Like I have to beg for it, no no no no. You’ve already been given the power of the Holy Spirit. …You do not have to convince God to give you His Spirit, You do not have to convince God to love you. The fact that you are here is proof that He has already chosen you and that He already loves you. It’s just up to us to begin living the life of grace. …The practice of the presence of God is simply being attentive to the fact that God is attentive to you.”

Mass Readings from February 17, 2013:
Deuteronomy 26:4-10
Romans 10:8-13
Luke 4:1-13