12/17/23 Main Character: Don’t Wait

Homily from the Third Sunday of Advent. We won’t be able to rejoice, pray, or give thanks always unless we rejoice, pray, and give thanks now. Main Character syndrome can lead us to believe [...]

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12/10/23 Main Character: Perfect

Homily from the Second Sunday of Advent. Perfectionism can move us from caring to quitting. Spiritual perfectionism can lead people who care about the Faith and who love God to a place of [...]

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The Teaching Mass

While we don’t have a recording from this year’s Teaching Mass, for those who could not be there we do have a recording from a Teaching Mass that Father Mike gave at another parish!

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12/05/23 The Eucharist

Unfortunately we had some recording technical difficulties this week, and we are needing to post the talk on the Eucharist from a previous class. Apologies! To view the movie clips from Saving [...]

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