Let’s say you become a saint. What would you want to be the patron of?
I would like to be the patron of maps. Biiiiig geography girl over here.

My Name is Katie Furrer

I graduated this May with a BA in Geography from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (GBR!), but I was born and raised in Saint Louis, Missouri. I am SUPER excited to be meeting a lot of new people all around campus, both at the Newman Center and around UMD. I’ll also be leading Bible studies, discipleship groups, and having tons of movie nights, so please say hi if you see me around!

Favorite Saint/Quote?
My favorite saint is St. Andrew, because he introduced his brother, Peter, to Jesus, so his whole life was centered around helping others become holier than he ever would be! So cool. My favorite quote, though, is from St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. “Whatever did not fit in with my plan did lie within the plan of God. I have an ever deeper and firmer belief that nothing is merely an accident when seen in the light of God, that my whole life down to the smallest details has been marked out for me in the plan of Divine Providence and has a completely coherent meaning in God’s all-seeing eyes. And so I am beginning to rejoice in the light of glory wherein this meaning will be unveiled to me.” Sheesh.

Why are you excited about this school year in Duluth?
I have never been to Minnesota before, so my time has already consisted of a ton of exploring the town and finding adventures, so I am excited to see more hidden gems that Duluth has to offer!

If you were forced to binge-watch any show, what would it be?
Gilmore Girls. No doubt about it. Team Jess all the way.

Hidden Talent?
I used to be able to label every country on a map. Not sure if I still would get a 100% on it but I think I could probably get close.

Someday when you get time for hobbies, what will they be?
Carpentry/Building my own house

My Name is Noah Huber

What college did you go to? What was your degree, and graduation year?
The University of Northern Iowa, Management Information Systems and Supply Chain Management 2020 Graduation

Hudson, IA

What will you be doing on campus this year?
I will be inviting students into relationship with Jesus and His Church, hoping to show
that a life with Jesus is full of abundance, joy, and mercy that can only be fully realized
through Him.

Favorite saint? Saint quote?
Right now, Blessed Carlo Acutis
“Our aim has to be the infinite and not the finite. The infinite is our homeland. We have always been expected in Heaven.” Bl. Carlo Acutis

Your favorite part about being Catholic?
The Universality of Church, Moral Teachings, and the mercy of God

Someday when you get time for hobbies, what will they be?
Carpentry/Building my own house

What is your favorite podcast to listen to?
The Golden Hour – by Optimal Work

Why are you excited about this school year in Duluth?
For Duluth to make a run to the Frozen Four in Men’s Hockey

If you were forced to binge-watch any show, what would it be?

Favorite song to jam out to in the car?
Recess by Skrillex

What are you famous for?
My bobblehead collection

If you could be the lead in any movie what movie would it be?
Catch Me if You Can, Leonardo Dicaprio

What is something that’s really popular right now that will be ridiculous in five years?

What is your favorite podcast to listen to?
Catechism in a Year

My Name is Brady Stier

What college did you go to? What was your degree, and graduation year?
Brady Stier, Human Performance, Sports Management, and Coaching

Austin, MN

What will you be doing on campus this year?
I will be working with FOCUS through the Newman Center to bring students into a deeper relationship with Jesus. I will be leading Bible studies as well as discipleship groups to intentionally help others pursue Our Lord. I will also have a focus on connecting with athletes (along with my teammate Emmalyne) to run with them and their specific obstacles to grow in intimacy with God.It’s going to be a fun and fruitful year!

How did you become Catholic?
Baptized as a baby.

Favorite saint?
St. Joseph (the Holy Family, really :))

Let’s say you become a saint. What would you want to be the patron of?
Family Life

Your favorite part about being Catholic?
Intimacy with God in the Sacraments and DEEP spiritual truths

Someday when you get time for hobbies, what will they be?
Snowboarding, woodworking, hiking

Why are you excited about this school year in Duluth?
Fresh vision and zeal for leading others as well as stellar teammates to go to work with.

Favorite song to jam out to in the car?
Sunroof by Nick Youre

Furthest you’ve ever traveled from home?
Madrid, Spain

What are you famous for/hidden talent?
Can bark like a dog

What’s the most adventurous thing you have ever eaten?
Octopus w ink sauce in Ecuador

If you could be the lead in any movie what movie would it be?

What is something that’s really popular right now that will be ridiculous in five years?

What’s the most adventurous thing you have ever eaten?
I tried eating some of Bradys pancakes one time. It was adventurous.

My Name is Emmalyne Tarsa

I grew up in Traverse City, MI. I graduated from Ball State University (CHIRP CHIRP) in 2021. While there I received my nursing degree (CHIRP CHIRP) and a minor in criminal justice and criminology (CHIRP CHIRP).

This year, I will be meeting new friends, playing some intense games of spikeball, being the biggest Bulldog XC/track and field fan ever and growing in relationship with the Lord through it all. I hope you can join me!

How did you become Catholic?
I had a conversion my senior year of high school. I had transferred from my original public school to the catholic school in the area and over what I thought would be just two standard years of high school the Lord made Himself known to me through the sacraments and the faith. Praise God!

Favorite saint? Saint quote?
“It is Jesus who stirs in you the desire to do something great with your lives, the will to follow an ideal, the refusal to allow yourselves to be ground down by mediocrity, the courage to commit yourselves humbly and patiently to improving yourselves and society, making the world more human and more fraternal.” – JPII

Let’s say you become a saint. What would you want to be the patron of?
Chick Fil A

Your favorite part about being Catholic?

  1. Receiving Jesus in the Eucharist every day.
  2. Sanctification.

Someday when you get time for hobbies, what will they be?
Lap swimming and baking!

What is your favorite podcast to listen to?
I am an audiobook type gal but I will always get down with Catholic Answers.

If you were forced to binge-watch any show, what would it be?
Hallmark movies. Cant stop, wont stop.

Furthest you’ve ever traveled from home?
South Africa

What are you famous for/hidden talent?
Snacking. A lot.

If you could be the lead in any movie what movie would it be?
The Disney movie Tangled.

What is something that’s really popular right now that will be ridiculous in five years?
Silly bands! I’m going to miss those things.