Homily from the Fifth Sunday of Easter. You got to wake up today. We don’t know if we will have enough time to finish, but we do know that we have time to start. We have a tendency to [...]
Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Stand in the truth and do the next right thing. Life can easily overwhelm us, leaving us in a place where we feel beaten and in a season of [...]
Homily from the Third Sunday of Easter. The first step is to stop. Once we realize that we have to repent… that we are called to “change our minds”… the first step is to [...]
Homily from Divine Mercy Sunday. Mercy is the love we need the most and deserve the least. We all want to get what we deserve. We want justice, and God is Just. But there are times when we need [...]
Homily from Easter Sunday. Are Jesus and the Mass merely optional…or essential? We have such full lives and such small hearts that we are relieved when things get cancelled. But, for the [...]
Homily from Good Friday. Jesus won the world in His weakness. We would like for our Lord to be triumphant in His conquering of sin and death. But the people around Him as He saved the world were [...]
Homily from Holy Thursday, the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. We all have unique sadnesses. Jesus enters into all of them. Holy Thursday is a day that marks the gift of the Priesthood, [...]
Homily from Palm Sunday. You are meant to be a part of the story. As Christians, we know the Story and we believe the Story. We know how God has saved the world by entering into suffering and [...]
Homily from the Fifth Sunday of Lent. You don’t have to find God’s will in this moment and these circumstances…this moment and these circumstances are God’s will for you. [...]
Homily from the Fourth Sunday of Lent. We often feel owned by the past or powerless in the present. Once something is broken, is it really lost forever? Mass Readings from March 10, 2024: 2 [...]