Some people can go through their whole lives not knowing the real reason they are alive. Others may know the reason, but they live as if they don't. The Bible has a special word for that second [...]
Homily from the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. All of us have something about our situation or ourselves that we hate. Freedom and grace don’t mean that God takes away all of our [...]
We all face tests throughout our lives. The worst tests are arbitrary. The best tests reveal the truth about where we are. Saint Paul invites the Church to take the test of whether we are living [...]
We spend our lives on any number of pursuits. It is a great gift to discover someone to whom you can give your life. Fathers are meant to be this gift for their children. Christ is this gift for [...]
The Eucharist is the most powerful prayer that exists. Yet so many Catholics don't expect anything to "happen" at Mass. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass isn't just something to do; the Mass makes a [...]
Homily from the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Given at the Encounter Young Adult Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Jesus gave the Church the Great Commission. We have a choice: either we [...]
*For those who are noticing that the homily isn’t as long as the file says it is, please delete the homily and re-download it again. There were some issues during the upload, but this file [...]