Easter Triduum – 2020

These homilies are from Fr. Mike’s Masses during the Easter Triduum during the COVID-19 pandemic. Only three people attended Mass in the chapel at our Newman house in Duluth, but the hundreds of thousands of households joined via YouTube live streams. You can watch the full liturgies here (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday), or listen to just the homilies below.

04/10/20 Prepared But Not Ready

Why are we surprised when we discover that “weakness” is actually weak?

Homily from Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion.

Jesus prepared His disciples for His Passion. But they were not ready, because they had not factored in their own weakness. But Jesus had factored it in. It was, in fact, why He entered His Passion.

Mass Readings from April 10, 2020:
Isaiah 52:13—53:12
Psalm 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25
Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9
John 18:1—19:42