Service is a great way to use the gifts that God gave you. Look below to see 5 ways where you can get involved with service this year!

I. Random Stuff

We need your help! There are many ways to get involved in our Catholic community this month! Be on the look out for all of the random ways to get involved throughout the community!

II. Join us for Service Saturdays

Service Saturdays are opportunities for students to come together and help serve our community in unique ways throughout Duluth. We often volunteer with Loaves and Fishes and Feed My Starving Children. Service Saturdays happen sporadically throughout the year.

III. Help with Confirmation for High Schoolers

Students willing to serve as part of these retreat teams will help lead the retreats through their witness, leading of small groups, sharing their testimony, and participating in dramas. Training is provided.

IV. Mission Trips

These are the Mission Trips that we will be going on this school year. Find out more information on each of them.

V. Mass Ministries

Mass is at the center of all that we are and all that we do at Newman Catholic Campus Ministries. Members of our community are afforded many opportunities to serve in a number of capacities. Training is provided at the beginning of each semester.