Lent like a Boss

Let’s make this as simple as possible.  Jesus talks about three areas that are indispensable regarding the Christian life: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  For Lent, do one thing in each of [...]

The Focus of Funerals

We recently had a funeral for a family member.  I was a bit annoyed by how much the priest talked about Jesus and how little he talked about the person who had died.  Isn’t the funeral supposed [...]

Defined by my past?

 There are people who just can’t seem to break free from the past.  I have one piece of advice for them: laugh.  Laugh at yourself.  So many of us are stuck in the past because we take ourselves [...]

Life is Worth Living?

Think of any great story. Every one of them is built upon this premise. If they weren’t, there is no real conflict; instead of fighting courageously when one encounters overwhelming odds or faces [...]

Intruding Family Members

For the first time in history, we exist in a society that has reduced human life to the individual. While this movement has a grain of truth and goodness to it (the human person truly does have [...]