Meaning of Suffering

God has the ability to bring good out of evil.  You already know this.  You know the story of how God was able to use to evil of Joseph’s brothers selling him into slavery to bring about the good [...]

Church Teaching about Ghosts

We believe in the Communion of Saints. That the Church exists on three “planes”: Earth, Heaven, and Purgatory. I recently heard it said, “the manifestation of ghosts is when the Church [...]

Fear of Sacrifice

Pope Benedict XVI described biblical sacrifice like this: “In all religions sacrifice is at the heart of worship.  But this is a concept that has been buried under the debris of endless [...]

I am a burden to others.

When we apologize, we are acknowledging the price someone else has paid for our error or weakness.  We are taking responsibility for what we have “cost” the other person.  I am sure that we are [...]

Following God. Alone.

There are times when a person will shut themselves off from certain elements of everyday life or popular culture for very good reasons.  There are times when it is necessary to walk away from [...]

Can I just vent?

At its best, gossip is merely a substitute.  It is a substitute for real connection.  It is a substitute for real processing.  And it is a substitute for real action.  Rather than addressing the [...]