My name is Stephanie Parks, and I am a Focus Campus Missionary for UMD. I don’t follow many channels, but I do have a few favorites! Enjoy! Ultimate Dog Tease I love a good dog video. And dogs in [...]
My name is Teddy Colling and I am a freshman in Communications at UMD. NewsboysVEVO I love Newsboys kinda because I love music and Jesus. This is like [...]
I’m Robbie Mouton, I’m a Junior Industrial Engineering major! Here are my go-to Youtube Channels: DevinSuperTramp This dude has some incredible cinematography! He basically goes out and [...]
Studio C These guys are hilarious, and hilarious in a good, clean, fun way. No one is more loved than the hero of Scott Sterling. Don’t know who he is? Watch this video: “As his trainer drags him [...]
This week’s recommendations come from Mikaela Chandler, a Junior in Environmental and Outdoor Education. Videos from Lazy Catholics are great. Sometimes these videos are a bit too real, but make [...]
Well, I don’t have any favorite youtube channels, so I will share with y’all my favorite Pandora Stations! #1. Lip Sync Road Trip Radio This station plays all the best songs that were [...]
Bad Lip Reading Some people can read lips really well. Others… not so much. Their own description: “I put words into other people’s mouths.” I’m always astounded by [...]
Bad Lip Reading I enjoy Bad Lip Reading because it takes videos from culture and entertainment (everything from presidential debates to The Walking Dead) and creates random voice overs that can [...]