Series: The Hardest Step

When things get to the point where they just cannot continue as they are, it is time to take a step.

As Christians, we will have to move before we know for sure. We have to move before the certainty. But in order to become the people God created and redeemed us to be, we have to take a difficult step…even the hardest step.

10/20/19 The Hardest Step: The Next Step

Often, the next hardest step is the next step.

Homily from the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Continuing to walk in the midst of failure, rejection, and imperfection is a sign of a great life. In your life, you will take hundreds of first steps. But in a great life, you will take thousands of next steps.

Mass Readings from October 20, 2019:
Ezekiel 17:8-13
Psalm 121:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8
2 Timothy 3:14-4:2
Luke 18:1-8